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Memos for job interview training course

(c) 2009,  D a v i d  C r o o k a l l

During your training course, you will be required to write memos.  Details are provided below, under 4 sections:

  1. The memos.

  2. How to write your memos (memo from your trainer to students).

  3. Detailed plan and sample contents for each memo.

  4. How to collate all your memos for the end of your training course.

 1. The memos

You will write pone memo for every interview session.  For a class with three interviews, you will write three memos.

Your role

To.  Grammar person

What to write

Partner (coach)

Candidate.  You ...

About how your candidate partner did, based on feedback forms and the video.


Yourself.  I ...

About your own interview, based on feedback forms and the video.

Company & observer

People in general.  We/they ...

About job interviews in general, from the view point of a company or an interviewer.


To your trainer

Only one single memo here.  Write it at the end of the course, before the very last class.  Abut the main things that your leant, about your impressions of the course and about your own learning process.

 2. How to write your memos

From:  Your trainer
To:  Students
Date:  Today
RE:  How to write your memos

Write memos about your experience (do not comment on your or others' level of English). 

Due date:  Bring your memo to the next class.  That is, the class immediately following the class to which your memo refers.  In other words, you will write a memo after every interview session.  (You may give a copy to your candidate before then if you wish.)

Models:  Below are models of the memos that you should write  Italics give examples of the sort of thing to writeUse the headings given in the notes below; use the correct memo titles and letters - a and b.  Use your own layout.  Write in the real names of the people concerned (for example, for your candidate).  Do not forget to put in the correct names for From, To and CC.  Use FirstName FAMILY NAME format.

Language & style:  You may write in English or in French or in a mixture of both.  Use short phrases and keywords; do not write a book!  Focus on the main points, and write concisely.  Memos must be typed (using a computer; no hand-written memos).

Length:  One page maximum (half page is fine) per memo; use 1.5 spacing.

Number of copies:  The models below indicate the number of copies that you need to make.

Archive:  Keep an electronic copy, at least until the end of the class.  You will need to hand in an electronic copy at the end of the class.  Do not send by email to your trainer.

Memo numbers:  Make sure that you include all header information for each memo, including the title, such as Memo Coach a or Memo Candidate a.  For the second series of interviews, use "b", for example, Memo Coach b.

The memos are listed below.

 3. Details and example contents for each memo

Memo as coach to partner candidate  (3 copies: Self, partner & trainer)
Use second person.

Session No. __________  Date _______________   (dd/mmm/yyy)

Length of video ______ mins.  Time spent reviewing ________ mins.  Dazte reviewed ___________.

From:  You (observer) _____________________________

To:  Your (partner) candidate ____________________________

CC:  Your trainer

RE:  Strong points and improvements that my partner observer should make.

Strong points:  (2 to 4)

  • Eye contact:  You have good eye contact, looking mainly at the questioner, but also at all the panel.
  • Hands:  You use your hands to express yourself (however see below).

 Aspects to improve and how

  • Hands:  You start by holding your hands together.  This does not convey confidence and encourage trust.  To improve you should keep your hands apart as you sit down, and them immediately force yourself to move them.
  • Speed:  You speak much too fast.  Take a deep breath as you sit down, pause, say slowly “thank you for inviting me” and then stop and wait for one of the panel to say something.  Then pause before you reply, and focus on speaking slowly.
  • Legs:  You cross your legs.  Don’t.

Memo to myself  (2 copies: Self & trainer)
Use first person.

Session No. __________  Date _______________   (dd/mmm/yyy)

Length of video ______ mins.  Time spent reviewing ________ mins.  Dazte reviewed ___________.

From:  You (candidate) __________________________

(My partner ____________________________).  Present at reviewing: Y / N.

CC:  Your trainer

RE:  Strong points & aspects for me to improve as candidate;
Based on debriefing with my partner

Strong points:  (2 to 4)

  • Voice:  My voice is strong and clear.
  • Stress:  My stress level is just right.

Aspects to improve, and how to improve:  (3 to 5)

  • Sitting:  I should sit more upright.  As I sit on the chair and before I speak, I will think for a moment about how I am sitting.
  • Aspect 2:  …

Memos as company or observer (no partner) (2 copies: Self & trainer)
Use third person

Session No. __________  Date _____________   (dd/mmm/yyy)  Role _____________ (company / pbserver)

From:  You __________________________

CC:  Your trainer

RE:  Comments on being an interviewer

What general things I learned, from the point of view of a company (interviewer), that candidates should consider before, during and after an interview:  (3 to 5 things)

  • Candidates need to look at everyone on the interview panel.
  • Candidates must reply to questions with precision.
  • Candidates must ask questions themselves.

Memo as learner (2 copies: Self & Trainer; only do this once - after the last class)

Date: ______________

From:  You (learner) _______________

To:  Your trainer. __________________________

RE:  Comments on the job interviews training sessions


A few words about how important you think job interviews are among all the things that are important in finding a job.  Mention three to four other things that are also important.  Rank order job interviews and the other things.


  • Interview things.  Two to four most important things that you learned about job interviews and you in job interviews.

  • Personal things.  Two to four most important things that you leaned about yourself as a person (irrespective of job interviews).

  • Learning things.  Two to four most important things that you learned about your learning preferences and processes.


  • One to three aspects of my attitude and/or behaviour in class that were positive and/or helpful to others or to myself.

  • One to three aspects of my attitude and/or behaviour in class that were negative and/or unhelpful to others or to myself.  For each of the aspects briefly describe (a) how you should have behaved and (b) how you intend to behave in the future.

  • A short statement about what you think should be done about students' immature behaviour in class (if such was the case).

The course and its organization

Two to four good points

  • I liked this because … .
  • I liked that because … .

Three to five aspects or ideas for improvement, and how you think that the things would improve the course

  • It was difficult in a large group because much of the time we were not active.  It would be much better to have smaller groups.
  • It is difficult to know how we are exactly in an interview.  It would be very helpful to be able to use a video.  A video allows one to see oneself more clearly.

Other comments

 4. How to collate your memos & slides to hand in at the end of your course

After the last class of your training course, you will need to put all your memos and ppt slides together and hand them in.  This section tells you how to do this.

Paper version:

This is what your end-of-class portfolio should contain:

  • A cover sheet, containing name, passport size photo, email address, day-time phone number, the summary table below.
  • Summary of sessions attended
  • Session No Date dd mmm yyyy Roles Feedback forms given Memos done Keyword learnings
    1 20 Jan 2011 (on time) Presentation n/a n/a eye contact; sitting
    2 29 ...  (late) Observer & company 8 2 answering Qs; modesty, confidence
      15 ...  (absent)        
  • Indicate reasons for absences (if any) here.
  • Collate all your memos, with one memo per page.
  • Put in chronological order.
  • If a memo is missing (for example, you missed the class), include a sheet of paper indicating that the memo is missing, and the reason why.  Indicate also in the table.
  • Staple the memos together in the top left-hand corner.  No need for fancy binding.

Electronic version:

  • Include all above elements in one single file (probably word) - no need to change anything.
  • Slides from your presentation should be no more than 6 per page; 9 is ok too.
  • Put a page break between each memo.
  • Put all the elements together in a single pdf file.
  • Use the following format for the filename:  class_year-year_Surname-GivenName_memos.pdf
  • For example:   MBFI_10-11_Dupont-Jean_memos.pdf
  • Make sure that you follow the above pattern exactly, with hyphens and underscores.
  • You may (optionally) include extracts from the video film of you in an interview.  The film will not be used to reduce your grade, but it may help to increase your grade.  Use the above filename (different extension, of course).

Class collection

  • One or two people in the class to volunteer to do this.
  • Use a USB drive to collect the pdf and video files from each student.
  • Copy all the class files to a single CD.
  • On the label of CD box, write the class details:





  • You need to hand in both versions, paper and CD, for your grade to be validated.
  • Never send electronic copies by email -- only on the CD.
  • Makes sure that the CD works, and that it is 100% virus free.


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