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SD CC Portfolio è • Up


Simulation & Gaming:
An Interdisciplinary Journal




For your grade in sustainability (climate change, sustainable development, peak oil, resilience, pollution, etc, etc), you will do a portfolio.  It is similar to a "Career portfolio, an organized presentation of an individual's education, work samples, and skills" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portfolio, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Career_portfolio).  Your portfolio is an account of, and reflections on, your work during the course.  It is also a demonstration of how well you worked in the course, and of your desire to extend your learning beyond the course (in the building of your portfolio, and in your post-course reflections on the work and material in the course, and the maturity with which you reflect back on the ideas, concepts and actions during the course).

Pls note that this page may change slightly over the next weeks, but no major changes are expected.  Also, if you see any contradictions, then use your common sense, as a mature and responsible adult would and decide what to do, which, of course, means not finding an excuse to omit or avoid something, but rather to go the extra mile.  For major questions, you may send me email, but you will need to be patient for a reply.  If you see any errors, pls notify.

Instructions for your portfolio

Each person must prepare a portfolio as indicated below.  The portfolio for this course is a personal, individual document.  Formatting instructions are towards the end of this page.

Your portfolio should be as complete as possible, that is, include all relevant documents as requested.  However, it should also be as short as possible, that is, do not include irrelevant material the main purpose of which is to make you portfolio bigger than it should be and to give the impression that you did more or better work that you actually accomplished.  Stuffing will reduce your grade.  Quality is more important than quantity.  You may, of course, include referenced quotes in your portfolio to support your thinking.

Keep the length of your document to a minimum (do not write a book!), but make sure that it contains all the items in sufficient, but only necessary, detail.  Say the least possible.  As a very rough guideline, most portfolios will be anything between 10 and 30 pages (2k and 6k words or equivalent in graphics.  This does not mean that you must write that number of new words, as you will already have much material written as a result of the work you did before, in and after class.  If you have photos and diagrams, you should include them too.

Make sure that you follow all instructions.  For exemple, if you fail to get the subject line (objet) of your email or the filename of your pdf file slightly incorrect (even just one letter or hyphen incorrect), then your file could get lost, and you will get zero.  It has happened before.  Send your file only between the dates provided, not before, not after.  You should normally get an automatic response, but if your filename or subject line is wrong, then I may not actually see your email or file.  In additioon, I will acknowledge reciept of your file personally, but only if the filename and subject line are correct.

Use English-language source documents.  Reference all documents cited and used.  Indicate the titles and URLs of the documents.  However, do not copy web pages without citing your source, and marking the quotes appropriately.  Plagiarism makes you look silly, and it is severely punished.  Be smart and cite your sources.  Inserting relevant quotes is also smart - and in the scientific spirit.  All quotes from web-based documents must be referenced, using the URL.

You may write your portolio in English or French or a mixture of both.  Use short, simple sentences; bulleted if possible and where appropriate.  Write short paragraphs, each with a topic sentence.

If you were absent for a session, then you need to mark "absent" for the session(s) in which you were absent.  Do not include medical certificates - just write main the reason, without a lot of detail.  If you were late or left early, also indicate this.

If some instructions below are not possible to follow, then make a responsible decision to do it differently (and explain why very briefly if necessary).

Make a sincere attempt to relate your simulation participation (incl debriefing, and films) to the various sustainability and climate change concepts that have been developed by research and scholarship.   A simple description of what you did, thought you did or might have done in class is insufficiant and inadequate.  In other words, your participation (actions, interactions, thoughts)  should be set in the context of and refer to some basic concepts and facts in sustainable development.  This does not need to be extensive; but it can be if you wish.


Organise your report in 4 parts as indicated below:

  1. Basic data
  2. Accounts
  3. Discussion
  4. Learning
  5. Feedback

Please do your report is as indicated below.

1. Basic data (cover sheet)

Put all these items on the cover sheet, i.e., not more than one single page.  If necessary use single spacing.  The wording below are only examples; you have to supply your own content.

A.  ID

  • Place of study (IUP M2 SEDI).  Year of study.
  • Portfolio title.
  • Date of report.
  • Passport photo, student and email addresses.

B.  Plan of portfolio  (table of contents)

Use page numbers (and refer to them inside the report, e.g., "see page 5").  Place the page number in the document header, top RH corner.  Include a numbered list of items in the appendix.

C.  Summary of attendance

Absence / presence in class.  Indicate the number of sessions present in class, and indicate the total of sessions at which you were present.  Indicate if you arrived on time or late.  If this is missing or inaccurate, your portfolio will not be valid.

Session date 23 Aug, 2001 25 Aug, 2001 17 Sep, 2001 24 Dec, 2001 1 Jan, 2002
Main activity / theme   FISHBANKS Climate change Tragedy of the commons Water management
Your specific activities % Video presentation, with John, Jane, Jim   Presented FISBANKS debriefing. Presented CC film.   Played game (give name).  Start of debriefing
Additional notes on activities  


1. present / 0. absent 1 0 1 1 0
On time / arr late  / dep early (make sure that times are accuate) 30m late     Left 60m early  
Reason for absence, lateness, leaving early Bus late Hospital   Job interview No reason found
Notified: Y / N n y, email day after   y, email 2 days prior  
Make up *  


Participation low medium high full  
Notes on participation  


* Made up for absence.  Also explain briefly what initiative you took (without being asked) you took as an individual to make up for the absence, for example, extra reading, watching films (give refs).  Provide a few details, e.g., date, tiotles, ref, a few short paragraphs summarizing the docs that you read or the films that you watched.

% Provide copies of activity materials or results (e.g., ppt in miniature, debriefing results (scanned), URL of videos shown, etc.)

2. Accounts

Do not do this section.

From here on, pls use 1.3 spacing, 12pt, as indicated elsewhere, Times Roman, 1 to 2cm margins, L R & bottom, and 2 to 3cm top (to include the running head and page number).

As a general rule, the suggested maximum length for each section is 450 words or one page at 1.3 spacing.  If you really need more space, then (a) it must be justified (the quality of the content justifies the extra space; waffle will be penalized) and (b) the absolute maximum is double (900 words or two pages at 1.3 lines spacing).

3. Descriptions & main concepts

Do this in a structured way.  Below is a suggestion, but you may choose a different structure if you think that it corresponds better to your experience.  Please focus on quality, not quantity.

For each of the major activities, write a summary following the pattern indicated below, or a summary that is close to the indications below.  Activities may have included: presetning a video, participating in a simulation or a game.  Remember that a film may have been shown as part of debriefing (therefore this is not a separate item for which to provide a summary).

  • Summary of the whole activity.  It may mean a simulation and debriefing (in and out of class) as a single unit; it may mean a lecture and participating in a game.  This includes:

    • Preparation.  Any preparation that you did before the class, such as watch a film or read articles or activity instructions.

    • Each person's individual silent debriefing.  Get the main or important points from each your individual forms.  Follow the questions in the debriefing form.

    • Your whole group discussion Indicate name (Given Name, FAMILY NAME) of all people in your activity.  Follow the questions in the discussion debriefing form.  Indicate major individual differences among you if any.

    • Include your thoughts on the concepts in films that you saw or the activities that you did (either in class, or elsewhere in these or related topics).

  • Include in an appendice your materials (e.g., debriefing notes) and your ppt slides resulting from your activities (such as film or debriefing).  Put 4 or 6 slides per (vertical A4) page?  Label each appendix so that it is clear to what activity it belongs (e.g., refer to the table above).

4. Learning

Indicate and discuss the following.

  1. Summary of what you learned.  Short outline of 4 or 5 main concepts & ideas about the phenomena/events, including: sustainability, the tragedy of the commons, global warming, climate change, resilience, individual and collective responsibility to the environment, earth's carrying capacity, carbon footprint, business concerns, greenwash, true green companies, health impacts of climate change, responsibility to next generations, growth (& limits to growth), etc.  Maximum length 450 words or one page at 1.3 spacing.
  2. In what ways are they likely to help shape your career or influence your professional development, over, say, the next decade or two?
    • For example, in what ways might they influence your career choices or your professional outlook?
    • In what ways might they impact the types of companies that you are likely to work for?
    • In what ways do you think that you can make a positive difference, for example, by encouraging your future companies to adopt sustainable policies.
  3. Add any aspects (ideas, people, articles, concepts, processes, etc) that you feel that you have learnt.  They may be very clear, they may be blurred and indefinable (for the moment); they may simply be your wish to learn more.
  4. In what ways do you feel that the course or your professional life might be related to the ideas expressed in the quotes below (bottom of page)? or in other documents that you have read?
  5. Indicate specific, concrete things that you learned during the course, as follows.  Do not say such things as "I learnt about sustainability" - you will loose marks! 
  • Personal things.  Two to three most important things that you leaned about yourself as a person (irrespective of sustainability).

  • Learning things.  Two to three most important things that you learned about your learning preferences, styles and processes.  For example, learning by doing, learning by reflecting (thinking, talking, sharing) on/about your performance (experience), learning by getting feedback (video, friend), being able to try again, learning from books/lectures, etc.

  • Simulation.  Two or three important things about your experience participating in simulations (e..g., FISBANKS, HARVEST, WAG, etc.).  For example, low stakes, low threat, full and/or immediate feedback, lack of realisim, comparison with real-world interviews, etc. 

Remember that there are no 'right answers'.

5. Future generations

Write a short letter to your grandchildren.  Explain to them:

  1. What you did or should have done to help make the planet a less inhospitable place for them in which to live.
  2. Why you did what you did, or why you did not act, to lessen the impact of global warming on their lives.  (For example, did you join 350.org?)
  3. What their main responsibilities are to their children (your great grand children).

Here, do not prevaricate or skimp, but do not make this letter long; keep the language simple, so that a teanager can understand.  Start with:  "Dear Grandchildren,"

If you cannot imagine what the future might be like for your grand children, look at one or more of these films.  You will you'll find them on youtube or even in my google drive (to which you have access):

  • James Hansen - on TED
  • The last hours of humanity
  • Earth 2100
  • Last days on earth
  • Do the math - The movie
  • Six degress could change the world
  • Discovery Channel - Global Warming, What You Need To Know, with Tom Brokaw
  • PBS Global Warming The Signs and the Science
  • Paul Gilding - on TED
  • Years of Living Dangerously Premiere Full Episode
  • Dr. James Hansen - Interview at Climate One
  • Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything, Capitalism vs. the Climate
  • Dennis Meadows - Preparing cities for the age of declining oil

Remember to watch the whole movie, not just the trailor.  You may of course watch more than one.  Indicate in some way that you have done this.  Others may be added later.  If you have a film to suggest, send me the URL.

6. Course feedback

At the end of the report, write short notes on the items below.

a.  Quels étaient les 2 ou 3 meilleurs aspects de l'atelier (cours) et pourquoi ?

            Aspect 1. __

                    Pourquoi ? __

            Aspect 2. __

                    Pourquoi ? __

            Aspect 3. __

                    Pourquoi ? __


b.  Quels étaient les 2 plus grands problèmes de l'atelier et que suggérez-vous comme solutions ?

            Problème 1 __

                    Pourquoi ? __

                         Solution __

            Problème 2 __

                    Pourquoi ? __

                         Solution __


 c.  Que ferriez-vous, vous-même, de différent si vous aviez à refaire cette atelier?

            Chose différente 1. __

            Chose différente 2. __


d.  En plus des commentaires ci-dessus, quelles suggestions faites-vous pour que, une prochaine fois, l'atelier soit plus efficace/instructif ?

            Suggestion 1. __

            Suggestion 2. __


e.  Etant donné que la substance du cours et la méthode de formation demandent, chez les apprenants, une grande maturité dans leurs attitudes et comportements, écrire quelques lignes sur:

            Votre propre attitude et comportement ds le cours ___

            L'attitude et le comportement des autres ds le cours ___

            L'action à faire concernant des attitudes et comportements immatures ___


f. D’autres commentaires ou suggestions ?

            1. __

            2. __


7. Appendix

Place here copies of all materials that you used or made (such as ppt slides, débriefing forms, notes taken in class, results of games, URLs of videos, etc.).  Label them carefully, so that it is clear to which session they belong, what date they were done, with whom you did them, etc.



  • Make sure that your report is clearly presented.
    • For example, use plenty of short headings, use small characters and indenting for personal examples, use tables and graphics.  Use simple language.
  • Make sure that you provide complete references for all citations, including quotes from web sites.
  • Make sure that you include active links to films (such as on YouTube) and other online documents.
  • As a general rule: 12pt, Ariel for headings; Times for text; 1.3 line spacing; 2cm margins.
  • Do not use caps; all lower case (except, of course, for the usual things that require caps).

You must prepare an electronic version - according to the following instructions:

  • One electronic copy, in pdf format - one single file for the whole document, including cover sheet, appendix.  No other format is acceptable.
  • Make sure that you get it right the first time.  Only the first version will be accepted.
  • The filename must of the following format:
    • SD_XY_NN-NN_name-name-name.pdf
    • Where:
      • XY is the number of your level, such as M1 or M2,
      • NN-NN is the year (e.g., 04-05 = 2004-2005),
      • name is your family name.
    • Example:  SD_M2_12-13_Smith.pdf
    • Make sure that you distinguish between hyphen - and underscore _.
  • The subject line of the email must be the same as the filename.
  • If the filename or subject line is incorrect, your file will get lost, and you will get zero.
  • If your file arrives late, I will not have time to give a grade.


++ some quotes ++

Peace and survival of life on Earth as we know it are threatened by human activities that lack a commitment to humanitarian values.  Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed, and a lack of respect for the Earth's living things... .  It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past, which resulted from ignorance.
Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations.  Clearly this is a pivotal generation... .  Our marvels of science and technology are matched if not outweighed by many current tragedies, including human starvation in some parts of the world, and extinction of other life forms... .  We have the capability and responsibility.  We must act before it is too late.
Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama.
Consumption of resources is rising rapidly, biodiversity is plummeting and just about every measure shows humans affecting Earth on a vast scale.  …  A growing band of experts are looking at figures like these and arguing that personal carbon virtue and collective environmentalism are futile as long as our economic system is built on the assumption of growth.  The science tells us that if we are serious about saving Earth, we must reshape our economy.  …  It has taken all of human history for the economy to reach its current size.  On current form it will take just two decades to double.

New Scientist.  (2008).  The folly of growth: How to stop the economy killing the planet.  New Scientist, Vol 200, No 2678.

… from the early Club of Rome report on the Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972) to its sequels Beyond the Limits (Meadows et al. 1992) and the thirty year update (Meadows et al. 2004), the message has become ever more pressing and the impact on political and economic processes just as marginal.  Only recently has the recent evidence of accelerating climate change, and the imminent threats of energy, health, water and food crises begun to produce significant reactions, at least in some forward-looking countries.  However the major centres of power and population have perspectives that are too short term to take any notice.  Public education on these issues has either fallen behind, or never begun.

Dahl, A. L.  (2006).  Paper presented at the plenary IEF Symposium Consumer Citizenship Network.  Third CCN International Conference.  Hedmark University College, Hamar, Norway.  15-16 May 2006.

Meadows, D. H., Meadows, D. L., & Randers, J. (1992). Beyond the limits: Global collapse or a sustainable future. London: Earthscan.

Meadows, D. H., Randers, J., & Meadows, D. L. (1972). The limits to growth: A report for the Club of  Rome’s project on the predicament of mankind.  London: Earthscan.

Meadows, D. H., Randers, J., & Meadows, D. L. (2004). The limits to growth: The 30-year update.  White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green.

Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course.  Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner in which we know.  Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about." 

From: World scientists' warning to humanity (U Thant, 1992), signed by 1600 scientists, including 102 Nobel laureates, from 70 countries; quoted in book below.

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. Buddhist saying.
We do not have an ecological crisis. The ecosphere has a human crisis.  W.Rees.
Climate change is not an environmental problem. It is a civilizational problem. R.Gelbspan.
A global human society, characterised by islands of wealth, surrounded by a sea of poverty, is unsustainable.  T.Mbeki.
Human history is a race between education and catastrophe. H.G.Wells.
We have not inherited the world from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children. Kashmiri proverb.
Only when the last tree is cut, only when the last river is polluted, only when the last fish is caught, will they realise that you can't eat money. Native American proverb.
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. A.Einstein.
God seems to have left the receiver off the hook and time is running out. A.Koestler.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  A.Einstein.
If you keep on doing what you`ve always done, you`ll keep on getting what you`ve always got. W. L. Bateman

Some more resources, can be found in these are other web sites:



Limits to Growth and related material



Tragedy of the Commons

You will find plenty of others on my google drive (to which I have given you access) and on the web.



RSS Recent issues of Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Peace and survival of life on Earth as we know it are threatened by human activities that lack a commitment to humanitarian values.  Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed, and a lack of respect for the Earth's living things... .  It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past, which resulted from ignorance.  Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations.  Clearly this is a pivotal generation... .  Our marvels of science and technology are matched if not outweighed by many current tragedies, including human starvation in some parts of the world, and extinction of other life forms... .  We have the capability and responsibility.  We must act before it is too late.  Tenzin Gyatso the fourteenth Dalai Lama.