   Accueil > U. Meierhenrich > O. Tascone


      Oriane TASCONE

        Ph.D.-Student specialized in
        Natural Extracts Analysis at
        the European Research Institute for
        Natural Ingredients, ERINI
        Espace Jacques-Louis Lions
        4 Traverse Dupont, 06130 Grasse

        Tél : +33 (0) 489 85 6013

PhD thesis in analytical chemistry, University of Nice/IFF/ERINI, Grasse, France.
Title "Suivi des xénobiotiques dans les extraits naturels destinés aux industriels de la cosmétique, des parfums et des arômes alimentaires"

Tascone O., Roy C., Meierhenrich U.J.: Pesticide determination in rose concrete and rose absolute using dispersive-solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Flavor and Fragrance Journal 31 (2016), 87-94.

Tascone O., Fillâtre Y., Roy C., Meierhenrich U.J.: Behavior of multiclass pesticide residue concentrations during the transformation from rose petals to rose absolute. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63 (2015), 4922-4932.

Tascone O., Shirshikova M., Roy C., Meierhenrich U.J.: Pesticide determination in rose petals using dispersive solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406 (2014), 8041-8048.

Tascone O., Roy C., Filippi J.-J., Meierhenrich U.J.: Application, analysis, and regulation of pesticides in natural extracts, essential oils, concretes, and absolutes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406 (2014), 971-980.

Best Poster Award (photo above) for Tascone O., Roy C., Meierhenrich U.J.: Matrix effects in quantitative GCxGC-MS and GC-MSMS analyses of pesticide residues in essential oils, concretes, and absolutes. International AOACI ASFILAB Symposium 2013 "New Trends on Methods for Pesticides and Drug Residues". 18-19 April 2013, Paris, France
Invitation for an oral presentation at the International ASFILAB Symposium 2014

Master-2 degree in Analytical Chemistry, Modelisation, Analyses and Spectrometry, University of Nancy, France (2010).
Master-1 degree in Chemistry, University of Nancy (2009).
Bachelor (Licence) degree in Chemistry, Sciences de la matière, University of Nancy (2008).
Baccalauréat (high school degree), Lycée Varoquaux, Nancy (2005).

Professional Experience
Chemical engineer, CNRS/ADEME, Nancy, France.
Treatment of pesticide present in soil by chemical oxidation; analysis by GC-MS.

R&D engineer, LAREBRON, Illkirch, France.
Development and validation of a multiresidue method for pesticide residues present in low-fat products; analysis by GC-MS.

Trainee, IPL, Metz, France
Extraction and characterization of fat in food for the elaboration of nutrition fat

Language and Computers
Languages - French: Mother tongue, English, Spanish
Informatics - Microsoft Office, Chemstation, Mass Hunter, Mass Lynx

 Last modified 22 April 2013


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