Language Lab, Science Faculty, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

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Security at Your Fingertips


Fill in the gaps using the words below. Be careful! There are more words than gaps!

make -- price -- place -- was -- retails -- slot -- because -- being -- cost -- drive -- do -- from -- enhanced -- embedded -- range -- theft --
George's attempt, alas, was not as successful. Vence conceded that an expertly constructed mold might be able to trick the sensor, but making the mold would require the cooperation of the individual impersonated. The growing concerns about identity may give a boost to fingerprint-verification technology. If you your banking or stock trading online, for example, you may feel an extra degree of comfort knowing that nobody can log on to your account without submitting the proper fingerprint. And the devices are not too hard on the wallet. DigitalPersona's U.are.U Personal system, which is meant for home or office use, for less than $100. Other companies offer similar products in the $100 to $200 : Biolink Technologies International sells the U-Match Mouse, which has an fingerprint reader, and Identix has the Bio-Touch PC card, an optical reader that can slip into your laptop's card .
Beyond the potential advantages of security, one must also consider the sheer entertainment value of these products. It's fun to seal all your electronic documents from prying eyes, even if your hard contains nothing that is classified.