Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research
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Selected bibliography on simulation and L2 interaction

Antón, Marta, and Frederick J. DiCamilla. “Socio-Cognitive Functions of L1 Collaborative Interaction in the L2 Classroom.” The Modern Language Journal 83.2 (1999): 233-247.

Brooks, Frank B., and Richard Donato. “Vygotskyan Approaches to Understanding Foreign Language Learner Discourse during Communicative Tasks.” Hispania 77.2 (1994): 262-274.

Bullard, Nick. “Briefing and Debriefing.” Crookall and Oxford, eds. 55-66.

Caré, Jean-Marc. “Inventer pour apprendre: Les simulations globales.” Die neueren Sprachen 94.1 (1995): 69-87.

Cheval, Mireille. “Simulation globale et apprentissages sur objectifs spécifiques.” Le Français dans le Monde Special Number (1995): 124-127.

Christopher, Elizabeth M., and Larry E. Smith. “Shaping the Content of Simulations/Games.” Crookall and Oxford, eds. 47-54.

Crookall, David, and Rebecca L. Oxford. “Linking Language Learning and Simulation/Gaming.” Crookall and Oxford, eds. 3-26.

–––, eds. Simulation, Gaming, and Language Learning. New York: Newbury House Publishers, 1990.

Debyser, Francis. “Simulation et réalité dans l’enseignement des langues vivantes.” Le Français dans le monde 104 (1974), 6-10 and 106, 16-19.

Ellis, Rod. “Task-Based Research and Language Pedagogy.” Language Teaching Research 4.3 (2000): 193-220.

–––. Learning a Second Language Through Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1999.

–––. “Teacher-Pupil Interaction in Second Language Development.” Input in Second Language Acquisition. Ed. Susan M. Gass and Carolyn G. Madden. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1985. 69-86.

Gardner, Robert C., and Richard Lalonde. “Social Psychological Considerations.” Crookall and Oxford,eds. 215-221.

Gass, Susan. M. Input, Interaction, and the Second Language Learner. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997.

Jones, Ken. Simulations in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Horner, David, and Kevin McGinley. “Running Simulation/Games: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Crookall and Oxford, eds. 33-45.

Kowal, Maria, and Merrill Swain. “Using Collaborative Language Production Tasks to Promote Students’ Language Awareness” Language Awareness 3.2  (1994): 73-93.

Littlejohn, Andrew. “Testing: The Use of Simulation/Games as a Language Testing Device.” Crookall and Oxford, eds. 125-141.

Muñoz, Jean. “La Simulation par le jeu de roles comme methode d'apprentissage de l’espagnol.” Les Cahiers de l'Apliut 19. 3 (2000): 5-13.

Pica, Teresa. “The Essential Role of Negotiation in the Communicative Classroom.” JALT Journal 78 (1996): 241-268.

Projektgruppe Jugendkulturen. Expressin’ Myself! Punks – HipHoper – Technos – Skateboarder.
Berlin: Verlag Thomas Tilsner, 1999.

Rott, Susanne. “Teaching German Grammar through Communicative Tasks: Some Suggestions.” Die Unterrichtspraxis 33.2 (2000): 125-133.

Scarcella, Robin C., and David Crookall. “Simulation/Gaming and Language Acquisition. Crookall and Oxford, eds. 223-230.

Swaffar, Janet. “Using Foreign Languages to Learn: Rethinking the College Foreign Language Curriculum.” Reflecting on Proficiency from the Classroom Perspective. Ed. June K. Phillips. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1993. 55-86.

van Ments, Morry. “Games and Simulation in Education.” Educational Research and Developmenty in Britain 1970-1980. Ed. Louis Cohen, John Thomas, and Lawrence Manion. Windsor, Berk.: NFER-Nelson, 1982.

Vygotsky, L.S. The Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Ed. Michael Cole. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.

Weber, Richard A. “Re(de)fining the College German Curriculum: A Program Proposal.” Die Unterrichtspraxis 33.1 (2000):50-61.

Yaiche, Francis. “Construire et simuler avec les apprenants.” Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 51.4 (1998): 227-235.