Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis: Accueil
Notes for courses by
D a v i d   C r o o k a l l

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Simulation & Gaming:
An Interdisciplinary Journal




 D a v i d  C r o o k a l l, PhD, Editor,
S&G: An Interdisciplinary Journal
1st class
Sample CV
Get job ads

Memos & portfolios
job interview training

NBYou must make sure that it is done exactly according to the instructions,
 including the format for both the filename and the email subject line,
 as indicated at the bottom of this page.
 If one of those is not right, you are likely to get zero.

Read the whole of this page before starting work.  This page is in six parts:

  • An introduction

  • Writing your memos: Sections 1, 2 & 3.

  • Writing your portfolio: Sections 4 & 5.

During your training course, you will be required to write memos.  Details are provided below, in Sections 1, 2 and 3.

At the end of your course, you will have to make a portfolio, detailed in Sections 4 and 5, below.

  1. The memos.

  2. How to write your memos (memo from your trainer to students).

  3. Sample contents for each memo.

  4. How to make your portfolio at the end of your training course (eight sub-sections.)

  5. Version & filename.  Make sure that the filename and subject line are done correctly.

For some courses, you will have to complete the whole set of assignements (such as all the memos); for other courses you will complete only some of the tasks.  Your exact assignment will be given to you in class.

If elements of this page contradict each other, then make an intelligent decision, and do what common sense and professionalism tell you to do.  Send email to me only if the problem is a truly major one!

The elements can be in English or French (or both, mixed), depending on instructions provided in class.

 1. Memos - during the course

During the course, you will need to write several memos.  You write one memo for every role that you took during each class.  These roles include:  candidate, company (recruiter), coach, observer.  You may therefore write several memos for one class.  Generally, you will write one memo for every interview session (probably one interview in a class session).  If you were candidate, coach or company in a session, you do not write a memo as observer.  If you did not take any role (candidate, coach or company) during the session, and you were observer for the whole session, then you write a memo as observer.  Sometimes you may have taken two roles in one class, such as coach and recruiter; or you may have been coach for more than one person.

Your role

To whom

Write as ...

As coach

Your candidate

Use the 2nd person singular = You.  You write to the candidate for whom you were a coach.

As candidate


Use the 1st person singular = I.  You write to yourself.

As company / recruiter

People in general

Use the 3rd person plural = They.   You write to people in general, to an unspecified audience, as if you were writing an instruction manual, based on what you saw in the series of interviews in the session.  You write from the point of view of a recruiter.

As observer * People in general

1st person = You.   You write a 'mini memo', one to each of the candidates whom you observed.  Put your mini memos inside one ordinary memo (one single document).  You should if it is appropriate, write general things first, points common to all the candidates, and then specific things for eachg of the candidates.  Your view is important, as coaches tend to be too kind to their own candidates.  So be as harsh as possible, without being aggressive.


After the course, you will need to provide the above memos, and also write two additional můemos: (a) a memo in your role as learner and (b) a memo on how environmental issues will affect your carerr.  These goes into your portfolio.

As learner

To your trainer

For your portfolio, at the end of the course.

As sustainable professional To your trainer For your portfolio, at the end of the course.


 2. How to write your memos

Make sure that you write your memos exactly as indicated below (e.g., with correct headers, recipients, memo ID, style).  Follow the models (templates) below.  Indicate the date for each memo.  Failure to do so will result in a lower grade.

RE:  How to write your memos (trainer's memo to trainees)

Write memos about your interview experience .  Language level (e.g., in English) is not a concern, unless it was a major problem in the interview.

Due dateAlways bring a copy of your memo to the next class; it may be on paper or in your computer.  That is, the class immediately following the class to which your memo refers.  In other words, you will write a memo after every interview session.  If you are a coach, you should also give a copy to your candidate.

Models:  Below are models of the memos that you should write  Italics give examples of the sort of thing to write; you write your own things.  Use the headings given in the notes below; use the correct memo titles and letters - a and b.  Use your own layout.  Write in the real names of the people concerned (for example, for your candidate); delete indicators such as "your candidate".  Do not forget to put in the correct names for From, To and CC.  Use FirstName FAMILY NAME format.

Language & style:  You may write in English or in French or in a mixture of both.  Use short phrases and keywords; do not write a book!  Focus on the main points, and write concisely.  Memos must be typed (using a computer; no hand-written memos).

Length:  One page maximum per memo; use 1.3 spacing.  Use a separator (such as ++++++++++) between each memo, not a new page.

Number of copies:  The models below indicate the number of copies that you need to make during the course.

Archive:  Keep an electronic copy.  You will need to these copies to make your end-of-course portfolio.  During the course, do not send by email to your trainer.

Memo numbers:  Make sure that you include all header information for each memo, including the title.

If you use your head and the models below, you will have little difficulty.  The memos are listed below.

 3. Details and example contents for each memo

Make sure that you include all the information given here, including the titles, such as  "Memo as coach", and layed out as here.  Remember that you will do one memo for each interview in which you were involved (as candidate, coach, recruiter, observer, ...).  In some courses, notably the SEDI, you will do two series of three interviews (each with three or more memos).


Memo as coach - Use second person

    or Memo as coach, series 2*

From:  You (coach): _________
To:  Your candidate (name the person):___________
CC:  Your trainer: _________

Date of interview: _________  (date in format dd mmm, yyyy,  ex. 14 Dec, 1789)
Date of video analysis: _________
Date of memo: _________

Length of time spent looking at the video and doing the analysis: ___
Place where the video was viewed and analysed: _________

RE:  Strong points and improvements that my client candidate should make.

Strong points:  (2 to 4)

  • Eye contact:  You have good eye contact, looking mainly at the questioner, but also at all the panel.
  • Hands:  You use your hands to express yourself (however see below).

 Aspects to improve and how

  • Hands:  You start by holding your hands together.  This does not convey confidence and encourage trust.  To improve you should keep your hands apart as you sit down, and them immediately force yourself to move them.
  • Speed:  You speak much too fast.  Take a deep breath as you sit down, pause, say slowly “thank you for inviting me” and then stop and wait for one of the panel to say something.  Then pause before you reply, and focus on speaking slowly.
  • Legs:  You cross your legs.  Place them in parallel, with both feet flat on the floor.

Your learning

  • What one or two things did you learn from coaching your friend?

* Series 1 or Series 2 may not apply to you.  Check before you write.

Memo as candidate - Use first person

     or Memo as candidate, series 2

From: You (trainee candidate): _________
To:  Me (myself) ____________
CC:  Your trainer ______

Date of interview: _________  (date in format dd mmm, yyyy,  ex. 14 Dec, 1789)
Date of video analysis: _________
Date of memo: _________

Length of time spent looking at the video and doing the analysis:  ___
Place where the video was viewed and analysed: _________

RE:  Strong points & aspects for me to improve as candidate;
Based on debriefing with my coach
(their name ___

Strong points:  (2 to 4)

  • Voice:  My voice is strong and clear.
  • Stress:  My stress level is just right.

Include here one screen shot, from your recording, that illustrates what you say.


Aspects to improve, and how to improve:  (3 to 5)

  • Sitting:  I should sit more upright.  As I sit on the chair and before I speak, I will think for a moment about how I am sitting.
  • Aspect 2:  …
  • Aspect 3:  ...
  • ...

Include here two or more screen shots that illustrate what you say.



Memos as company recruter - Use third person

    Memos as company recruter, series 2

From:  You (company/observer).  Specify if you were recruiter.
To:  People in general.
CC:  Your trainer ___
Date of interviews: ___
Date of memo: ___

RE:  Comments on being an interviewer

What general things I learned, from the point of view of a company (interviewer), that candidates should consider before, during and after an interview:  (3 to 5 things)

  • Candidates need to look at everyone on the interview panel.
  • Candidates must reply to questions with precision.
  • Candidates must ask questions themselves.
  • What things made you choose a candidate (do not name the candidate).
  • What things made you disqualify a candidate (do not name).
  • Imagine that you are advising your friend:  What two or three or four things would you advise your friend to do to help a recruiter in the interview to choose your friend rather than their competitors.

Memos as observer - Use first person

    Memos as observer, series 2

From:  You (observer) _____________
To:  Candidates (name each candidate) _________________________________
CC:  Your trainer ___
Date of interviews: ___
Date of memo: ___

RE:  Comments on being an observer

A. What general things I observed, common to all candidates, and that candidates should consider before, during and after an interview:  (3 to 5 things).

  • You need to look at everyone on the interview panel.
  • You must reply to questions with precision.
  • You must ask questions.

B. What specific things I observed in each candidate, and that s/he should consider before, during and after an interview:  (3 to 5 things for each candidate)

Person 1

  • Use the above general things as a model.
  • What things made you choose the candidate.
  • What things made you disqualify the candidate.
  • What two or three things would you advise each candidate to do to help a recruiter in the interview to choose the person rather than their competitors.

Person 2

  • See person 1

Person 3

  • etc


 4. How to make your portfolio

Soon after the last class of your training course, you will need to put all your memos together, add some things, and make a portfolio to hand in to your trainer.  This section tells you how to do this.

You portfolio file will contain the following elements, in the following order:

  1. Cover sheet - one page maximum; do not use more than one single A4 size page!
  2. Memo as learner (trainee).
  3. Memos (as indicated above).  For SEDI courses, memos for each series together, as above.
  4. LinkedIn profile.
  5. Video analysis.
  6. Job ad.
  7. Presentation / film.  Provide only slides in miniature (six per page), not full size.
  8. Log sheet (scanned); if your class did not have a log sheet, indicate this at the bottom of the cover sheet.
  9. Other.

Details of each element are provided below.

1. Cover sheet.  The start of your portfolio should be a maximum of one single A4 pageIt will include the following items:

  • Your course indications, e.g., IUP Mgnt,  L3,  Job interviews,  2010-2011.
  • Your name, your professional email address.
  • A passport size photo.
  • A simple table of contents, with page numbers.  This constitutes a check list of the numbered elements contained in your portfolio, minimally the six items indicated below.  Use the same numbers as below.
  • The following table (designed so that it corresponds to the sessions that you had).  Always include the header row, and all the columns.  Do not omit this table.
a b c % presence d e f g h

dd mm, yyy
3 Sept 2001

Present 100
Late 70, ...
Absent 0

Participation level

Your role

Coach for (the person whom you coached):
Coached by (the person who coached you):
Extra points Memo? y=1






Col a.  For some courses, you may have done two or more sessions in one class.  For example, whole class for the first hour or so, then half the class in the second session, or you may have done a session of interviews, followed on the same day by a session of presentations.  Each one counts as a session.  Thus you may have more sessions than you had classes.  Make sure that you list the sessions.

SEDI courses have 9 rows:  1 Intro session;    2,3,4 Series 1 interview training (3 sessions);    5 Middle feedback;   6,7,8 Series 2 interview training (3 sessions);    9 Final session.

Col c % presence.  Rough estimate, rounded to nearest 10%.   If you arrived 30m late for a 90m class, then you mark 30%; if you were 20m late out of 90mm, mark 20%.  If you left early, same thing.  Do not attempt to paste over late arrivals in class.  Indicate the mean of the column, rounded to the nearest 10.

Col d.  Levels of participation:  4 Maximum (use only twice);   3 High;   2 Good;  1 Average;  0 Low.  If you were absent, indicate 'absent'.  If you spent most of the class fiddling with your electronic device, then you need to indicate 0.5.  Indicate the mean of the column, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Col e.  @  If you did a presentation or showed a film, indicate this in a new line, even if this is the same date as an interview session.  Your role was then 'Presenter'.  You will then have two lines with the same date.  Be sure to include your ppt slides (in miniature) at the end of the portfolio).

Col f  If your role, in col e, was candidate, then put the name of your coach in col f.
              If your role, col e, was coach, then put the name of your candidate in col f.

Col g.  These are additional points that you obtained if you were selected as candidate or if you were the coach of the selected candidate.  They correspond to the extra points indicated on your log sheet.  N° 1 candidate = 9 points;  Coach = 4 points.

Col h.  Indicate here if you showed your memo on time in the following class.

The cover sheet, with all the above elements, including the table, on one single page, are necessary.

2a. Memo as learner.   Write a memo about your experience as trainee in the course.  Indications are provided below.  (Italics are examples only; you write your own stuff.)

Use person according to proposition.
From:  You (learner). _________
To:  Your trainer. _________
Date on which you write: ___  (format dd mmm, yyyy,  ex. 14 Dec, 1789)

RE:  Comments on the job interviews training sessions

This section is important.  Make sure that you reply fully to all questions.


A few words about how important you think job interviews are among all the things that are important in finding a job.  Mention three to four other things that are also important.  Rank order job interviews and the other things.  Support your opinion with reference to a written document - incl URL, document reference.  Document can be written or video.


Indicate specific, concrete things that you learned during the course, as follows.  Do not say such things as "I learnt to be a better candidate" - you will loose marks!  Imagine that these are your answers in a job interview.

  • Interview things.  Two to four of the most important things that you learned about job interviews and you in job interviews.  List with numbers: 1., 2., etc.  Use from 3 to 7 lines for each thing.

  • Personal things.  Two to three most important things that you leaned about yourself as a person (irrespective of job interviews).

  • Learning things.  Two to three most important things that you learned about your learning preferences, styles and processes.  For example, learning by doing, learning by reflecting (thinking, talking, sharing) on/about your performance (experience), learning by getting feedback (video, freind), being able to try again, learning from books/lectures, etc.

  • Simulation.  Two or three important things about your experience participating in simulations (simulated job inyterviews).  For example, low stakes, low threat, full and/or immediate feedback, lack of realisim, comparison with real-world interviews, etc.

  • Improvements . If you were lucky enough to have two interviews during the course, please indicate two or three things that you think improved.  They can be of any kind.  If you had only one interview, then this item will be difficult to do.  However, you can if you wish, imagine, maybe based on observation or coaching that you did.  If only one interview, make sure that you indicate here that your opinion is based on imagination -- maybe on what you imagine that you would be like in a second interview.

Reading & comment

Download some of the texts on my web site or in my Google Drive, do the following:

  1. List the texts (Author.  Title.  Source (web sire, drive).

  2. Choose two or three, and explain briefly why you chose those two.

  3. Explain briefly:

    • (a) how the texts are relevant to your job inteview skill training, and

    • (b) how they will help you improve your job interview skills.


  • Indicate two or three things that you commit (promise) yourself to do in preparation for a real job interview when one comes up in the future.  Indicate reasons you chose those 2 or 3 things.

  • Indicate two or three things that you commit (promise) yourself to do during a real job interview when one comes up in the future.  Indicate reasons you chose those 2 or 3 things.


  • One to three aspects of your attitude and/or behaviour in class that were positive and/or helpful to others or to yourself.

  • One to two aspects of your attitude and/or behaviour in class that were negative and/or unhelpful to others or to yourself.  For each of the aspects briefly describe (a) how you should have behaved and (b) how you intend to behave in the future.

  • A short statement about what you think should be done about unruly and /or immature behaviour by some students in class.  Do not pussy foot here - be frank and direct.

The course and its organization

Two to four good points

  • I liked this aspect of the course because … .
  • I liked that thing because … .

Two to four aspects or ideas for improvement, and how you think that the things would improve the course, such as

  • It was difficult in a large group because much of the time we were not active.  It would be much better to have smaller groups.
  • It is difficult to know how we are exactly in an interview.  It would be very helpful to be able to use a video.  A video allows one to see oneself more clearly.
  • I had this type of difficulty ... .  Thus; it would be better to structure the course differently, for example, ... 

Would you recommend this course, or a similar one, to a friend?  If yes, why?  If no, why not?  Be honest.

Other comments ...


2b. Memo as sustainable citizen / professional.   Here in 2b you will


From:  You (learner). _________
To:  Your trainer.
on which you write: ___  (format dd mmm, yyyy,  ex. 14 Dec, 1789)

RE:  Comments on threats related to sustainability, CSR, climate change, etc.

Provide a few personal indications about how:

  1. important you percieve the threats are from global warming / climate change / sustainability / peak oil / energy / pollution / environmental degredation / etc.) - threats to humanity, civilization, our 'way of life';
  2. the current state of the planet (global warming / climate change / peak oil / sustainability / etc.) is likely to affect your future career;
  3. you plan to adapt your career (and life) to or mitigate the effects of global warming / climate change / peak oil / etc.
  4. you plan to influence your future employer to adapt and become more planet friendly (to adopt socially and environmentally responsible policies).

To do this, you need to know a little about the above things.  The best way is to get them on the internet.  I have made a collection of such documents and placed them in my google drive.  At some point, I may send you an access link / code to get the documents.  Some folders contain specialized documents (such as health, food, sea level rise, rights, energy, banking, ...).  These may contain items that are more relevant to you and your career.

(After I send the link to the class, please do not ask for it again - keep it carefully.  Also note that I stop access some while after the class, generally sometime over the summer, so if you want the documents to keep, please download them soon.)

I may also place some of the documents in a web page in this site, but that will be for later.

Do not write too much;  just a little (maybe 1/3 to 2/ page) is fine.  You may write in French if you wish.  However, pls indicate the source of all material (reference to the document = author, title) that you use.  Probably you do not need to consult more than four or five documents.  Also look at the films.  You may use documents (in English) of your own.  In this case, provide a clickable, working link.

3. Memos.   These are the memos that you wrote between the training sessions, based on your participation.  Use the following guidelines:

  • Collate all your memos (see above), with a separator, such as a line of ++++++ (not a new page), between each memo.
  • Put memos in chronological order, as indicated in the above table.
  • If a memo is missing (for example, you missed the class), indicate in above table and include a line with separators indicating that the memo is missing, and the reason why.  (No need to include medical certificates.).

3. Memos+.   For SEDI courses, add a short section after the last memo, entitled 'comparing series'.  Here outline the main differences for you between the first series and the second series, especially for you in the role of candidate.  If you think that you made progress, indicate in what ways and why.

4. LinkedIn.    LinkedIn profile; neat, undeformed screen capture; maximum one A4 size page.  You will need to do a window capture for this (not text copy and paste).  Make sure that it is a capture of your public profile (look at it without being logged in to LinkedIn).  Do not copy-paste, as it will not look like your profile.  Use a snipping tool (such as in Win7) or screen capture program to pluck out your profile without all the fussy stuff at the top, make a .png file, and insert into your word file (later to be converted to pdf).  If you simply copy-paste your profile, it will be considered as missing from the portfolio.

Include in your portfolio, only the first A4 sized page part of your LinkedIn page (not the whole profile); in other words, limit your extract to a maximum of one A4 sized page of your portfolio.  Indicate the URL at the top of the page.  Follow the advice given in class about LinkedIn profile configurations.  For example, your profile must be in correct English.  If necessary, get your page corrected by a good English speaker (even non-native is ok).  Do not put student as your main title!  Join groups.  Indicate skills.

5. Video analysis.   Include three things here:

  1. Three screen captures extracted from the video(s) of you.  Use a snipping or screen capture tool.  Provide three clear screen shots from each of your interviews as candidate.  Choose one shot in which you think that you think really need to make a lot of improvement (mostly for body langage); one that is ok, but could probably do with some improvement, and one that you really like.
  2. Write a brief analysis commentary for each shot.  Say a few sentences about each shot.  Indicate the date on which you did the video analysis.
  3. A scan of the video analysis form(s) that you used, as candidate, with your coach to help you analyze the films.
  4. For SEDI:  Do the same thing for the second series (you will thus have 6 screen shots).  If you see an improprement from the first to the second series, try to show this, for example, by showing photos in two parallel columns (they may, but do not have to, be the same ones as you used just above).  Provide a short commentary on what improvements you can see from series one to series two.

6. Ads.   Include copies of one of the job ad(s) that you used during the class.  Remember to include the URL.  No need to include ads other than those that you used in the simulated interviews, nor the ads provided by the trainer.  Do not copy paste text, but use the job ad as it appears in its original and complete form.  Max size is one page.

7. Presentation / film.

  • If you did a presentation (alone or in a group), provide the slides in miniature (6 slides per page), as you presented them.  Indicate co-presenters and date.
  • If you presented a film, include your ppt slides in miniature, and the URL, in clickable format.  Indicate co-presenters and date.
  • If you did not present, indicate this.
  • If the trainer showed any films, provide your comments on them, especially if it was the longish TED presentation on body language, by Amy Cuddy.  You can find it on TED if you wish to see it again - certainly worth seeing several times.  Explain what aspects are relevant to you as a professional, and what are relevant to you in a job situation.

8. Log sheet.   The log sheet (probably pink) that you used to record your class activities.  If your portfolio is electronic, then you will need to scan it - grey scale is fine.  Not all courses had log sheets.  If your course did not have a log sheet, indicate this.  Make sure that the scan is easily readable.  Points will be deducted for bad scans.

9. Other  Include any other elements that you consider important to your improvement in job interview skills.



 5. Version & filename

You will have been told whether you should hand in your portfolio on paper or in electronic format.

  • If your portfolio is paper, then staple all elements together, and insert them into a simple cardboard folder (chemise ŕ deux volets, pas de pochete plastique).
  •  If your portfolio is electronic, follow the guide below carefully.  If you fail to follow the indications exactly, your portfolio will be ignored!!  You have been warned!!  Attending to detail and showing precision are important skills for getting a job, and it is one that is necessary here.

Electronic version

The only file format that is acceptable is pdf.

Make sure that all the elements are included, in the order indicated above.  Provide numbering as for above.  Use a page header and paginate in the top RH corner.  Use 12pt Times Roman throughout, except for headings, which should be 12pt Ariel  Use 1.3 line spacing throughout.

Put a separator  ++++++++  between each memo.  Start each of the above sections on a new page, using the section number and heading.

FilenameUse a filename with exactly the following format:

  • INST-level_jobs-YYYY-YY_Surname.pdf

    • If you are in the IUP Internat° Mgmt, SEDI, M1, in year 2009-2010, and you are called Smith, then your filename will be
  • SEDI-M1_jobs-2009-10_Smith.pdf
    • If you are studying IP and technology, level M2, in year 2010-2011, and you are called Brown, then your filename will be:
  • DNT-M2_jobs-2010-11_Brown.pdf
    • If you are studying on another course, level M2, in year 2011-2012, and you are called Dupont, then your filename will be:
  • Course-M2_jobs-2011-12_Dupont.pdf
    • Where 'Course' is the abbreviation that indicates your course or programme.
    • Make sure that everyone in your group/class uses the same word!!, including upper and lower case.
      • Agree on this before you send.
      • If necessary take the initiative and send email to everyone, suggesting the abbrevation to use.
  • Make sure that you follow the above pattern exactly, with -hyphens- and _underscores_.

Subject lineThe subject line of your email must contain the above filename (but without the extension), and no other words or marks.

  • You must do the filename and email subject line exactly as indicated.  If not, then your file will be lost and ignored or you will be asked to to it again, even if the contents are perfect.
  • If this pushes you over the deadline, then you will not get a grade.  Without a correct filename and subject line, your file may even be lost, and then you will get no grade.

Send your file before the deadline to  crookall dot unsa at gmail dot com.

Files received after the deadline will be ignored (i.e., will not be considered) and you will get zero.

Do not send a second updated file.  Only the first will be considered.  So, make sure that it is correct first time.

If your portfolio is electronic, follow the guide above carefully.  If you fail to follow the indications exactly, your portfolio will be ignored!!  You have been warned!!  Attending to detail and showing precision are important skills for getting a job, and they are ones that are necessary here.

If you are unsure of something, do these things:

  • Use your head, and make an intelligent guess;
  • Consult with other class members, and make a joint decision, especially in regard to things that must be the same for everyone, such as filename;
  • If you really must, then send me an email query.  However, I cannot guarantee a reply in time for your deadline.
  • Especially, do not send email asking for more time or for exceptions to the above; in fact do not even contemplate sending me such an email!
  • You should write if you see massive contradictions in the above, as well as things that are manifestly unclear (and beyond the ken of ordinary mortals).  However, pls suggest how to fix it, not just what is wrong.


 • 1st class • Sample CV • Get job ads • Portfolio • Rationale •

RSS Recent issues of Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Peace and survival of life on Earth as we know it are threatened by human activities that lack a commitment to humanitarian values.  Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed, and a lack of respect for the Earth's living things... .  It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past, which resulted from ignorance.  Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations.  Clearly this is a pivotal generation... .  Our marvels of science and technology are matched if not outweighed by many current tragedies, including human starvation in some parts of the world, and extinction of other life forms... .  We have the capability and responsibility.  We must act before it is too late.  Tenzin Gyatso the fourteenth Dalai Lama.