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Notes for courses by
D a v i d   C r o o k a l l

AreasCourses / Presentations / Job interviews / Teamwork / X-culture / Searching / Research / Publication / Communication / Projects / Meetings / Studying
CoursesCom SEDI L3 • sd-cc • Teamwork • Job interviews • GeoPolitics • X-cult • MBFI DNT • InfoCom Jobs • InfoCom (ACL) L-3 • Telecom

SEA TW Institute č • Up • Review & Prep SEDI M2 • SEA TW Institute • Report instructions •

Review & Prep SEDI M2
SEA TW Institute
Report instructions

Simulation & Gaming:
An Interdisciplinary Journal





End-of-course project

 D a v i d  C r o o k a l l, PhD, Editor,
S&G: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Review & Prep SEDI M2
SEA TW Institute
Report instructions

IUP SEDI - end-of-course project

SEA-EU International Teamwork Insitute -

Final teamwork (TW) projet

Each course team represents a company working in a SEA nation (ASEAN).  No country can have more than one representative company; no countries outside ASEAN.  Discuss in class which team will represent which country.

You are nationals of that country.  Your government has hired your company to develop a proposal for building an International Teamwork and Sustainability Institute (ITSI) in your country.  Remember that you are the company that develops the institute.  You

The institute will work in tandem with the European Union institutes, exchanging students and staff, for short- and long-term study and internship periods, in order to encourage the development of multi-cultural teamwork skills.  The EU will pay for half the development costs of the institute; your country will pay for half, plus the running costs and maintenance.

Your government, and thus your company, are in competition with other governments, and companies, in SEA.  Only one proposal will be adopted.

Your company has been selected by the national government to develop a proposal to win the contract for the project.  After the competition has been won, the winning company will develop the project, run the institute as a public business, and thus earn several years steady income.

Project background:  Funded partially by the EU - projected budget €4.5M.

The ITI will have as its mission:

  • Development of TW skills in SEA and in multi-cultural (EU-SEA) teams.
  • Trainees come mostly from ASEAN, higher education, industry, government, NGOs.  Some come from the EU.

Your proposal will be in 3 main parts:

  1. 20% - Team work:  How your company managed as a team in developing the proposal and doing its presentation.  What TW methods did you yourself use to help work as a team and thus be effective in developing your project.  Selection of the project will be based, not just on content (two items below), but also on how well your company worked as a team.  A company that works well as a team is more likely to accomplish its mission.  Concrete indications of your TW are needed here.
  2. 60% - Curricula:  Why your institute and its curricula should be selected.  Why your institute will be the best for developing TW skills - rationale, given your national context and given the run up to the AEC in 2015.  Present and justify two sample study programmes, one for students in higher education, one for professionals in industry, government or NGOs.  For each programme, include some of the following: rational, curriculum, syllabus, background, justification, training methods, references, etc.
  3. 20 - Host:  Why your country should be selected for the institute - for example: infrastructure, SEA understanding, local economies, business networks, mangement styles, intercultural competence, ROI for host country, SEA cooperation, ASEAN, AEC preparation, etc.

Give the institute a name. Also include such things as executive summary, visuals, conclusion, your names, etc.

Procedure:  Two steps:

  1. Presentation.  Make it professional and persuasive, but realistic.  This is not academic!
    • Remember that a funding agency always wants visibility and to see its money go a long way.
    • At the final class, your team will present its proposal, with a ppt presentation of no more than X minutes, with Y minutes at the end for questions (X and Y will be given to you by email).
    • As always, form is as important as content!
  2. Proposal reportWritten document, to to be handed in by a given deadline.  After the deadline, the team will be disqualified.  Include your report in your end of course report.
    • Remember to cite all your sources (at the end of the report, using APA style).


Reminder:  Teamwork documents are here.

 • Review & Prep SEDI M2 • SEA TW Institute • Report instructions •

RSS Recent issues of Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal
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