grafcet and Sgrafcet tools

for the Esterel-Lustre platform

A set of software about grafcet

eg7: grafcet editor (to use with g2sc and sg7)
which uses the
fltk windows library

g2sc : grafcet and Sgrafcet compiler.

This compiler can generate a boolean automaton in :

sg7 : grafcet simulator (need g2sc) which uses the fltk windows library

How to install each tool ?

- Linux

Download the latest version of each tools (eg7_1.2.5.gz, g2sc_5_5_4.gz et sg7_3_3_3_linux64.gz for example) and unzip them by:

gzip -d eg7_1_2_5_linux64.gz
gzip -d g2sc_5_5_4_linux64.gz
gzip -d sg7_3_3_3_linux64.gz

Then, rename the programs as eg7,g2sc and sg7 respectively and install all files in a shared bin directory such as: /usr/local/bin, ~/bin ...


Download the latest version of each tools (eg7_1.2.5.gz, g2sc_5_5_4.gz et sg7_3_3_3.gz for example), unzip all files and rename them as eg7, g2sc and sg7 respectively.

Then, install the programs in a shared directory such as ``Program Files'' and update your PATH environment variable ...

Last tools update: March 23, 2024

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