
Thierry Darmanin obtained an Award of Honour from 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICICBES 2019), Panipat, India.

Thierry Darmanin was the winner of the Materials Today cover competition 2019:



Congratulations to Gabriela Ramos Chagas for won the 1stPoster price at the 8th journée scientifique de Porquerolles (C’Nano conference)

Congratulations to Hernando Salapare III for won the 2016 Balik Scientist Award given by the department of Science and Technology of the Republic of the Philippines

Congratulations to Caroline R Szczepanski for won the Spring 2016 CIBA Award

Congratulations to Cécile Bignon for the medal of the UNS 2015

Congratulations to Thierry Darmanin for the Jean Rist 2014 Medal given by la Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (SF2M) form young researches working in materials.

Congratulations to Arnaud Zenerino for won the 2013 C’Nano PACA Award for his PhD thesis

Congratulations to Thierry Darmanin for Master 2006 prize given by SF2M sud-est.