Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research
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Simulation and Gaming and the Teaching of Sociology
6th edition, 1997.
Compiled by Richard L. Dukes
Colorado University, Colorado Springs

Sections in this bibliography:
||  Contents page  ||  Books  ||  Articles   ||  Periodicals, directories, centers  ||  Findings   ||


Axelrod, R. (1984). The evolution of cooperation. New York: Basic.
Presents results of an open challenge to beat his "tit for tat" strategy in Prisoner's Dilemma.  Important because of renewed interest in this simple, two person exercise.

Boocock, S. & Schild, E. O. eds. (1968). Simulation games in learning. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
A classic reader: one of the first theoretical books on simulations and games.   Reviews the early work of James Coleman and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins.   Considerable attention is paid to the issue of learning outcomes and the use of games.

Crookall, D. & Saunders, D. eds. (1989). Communication and simulation: From two fields to one theme. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, Ltd.
This edited volume goes beyond the discipline of communication. Chapters of interest to sociologists are:

  • Culture, Prejudice and Simulation Gaming in Theory and Practice (Noesjirwan and Bruin)
  • Discourse Rehearsal: Interaction Simulating Interaction (Sigman and Donnelon);
  • Knowing Oneself: A Symbolic Interactionist View of  Simulation (Petranek);
  • Simulation and Communication in Women's Networks (Stern);
  • The Manipulation of  Information in Urban Planning and Simulation (Law-Yone).
Crookall, D. & Arai, K. eds. (1995).  Simulation and gaming across disciplines and cultures: ISAGA at a watershed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995.
This volume is based on conference papers from the 25th Anniversary Meetings of International Simulation and Gaming Association in 1994. It is divided into four parts: applications, policy exercises, research, and professional matters.

Duke, R. D. & Greenblat,  C. S. (1979).  Game-generating games: A trilogy of games for community and classroom. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Describes the use of frame games for teaching a wide variety of subject matter. Several ready-to-use game frameworks are presented with suggestions for how to use them to present different subjects. Emphasis is placed on game construction as an important mode of learning.

Dukes, R. L. (1990). Worlds apart: Collective action in simulated agrarian and industrial societies.   Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
STARPOWER was modified to create 32 simulated agrarian societies (low level of technology and ascribed status) and 32 industrial societies (high level of technology and achieved status). Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from over 1200 players. Collective action had an emergent quality that was not predictable, but drastic change was more likely in agrarian social systems. Presents rationale for the integration of teaching and research.

Ellington, H., Addinal, E. & Percival, F. (1982). A Handbook of game design. London: Kogan Page and New York: Nichols.
An excellent and complete source on the design of games.

Fromkin, H. L. & Sherwood, J. J. (1976). Intergroup and minority Relations: An experiential handbook. La Jolla, CA: University Associates.
Contains numerous structured experiences and short simulations for use in intergroup relations training. Includes nine workshop models for possible use as training guides. Much of this material is adaptable for classroom use.

Geertsen, H. R., et al. (1979). Eighty-one techniques for teaching sociological concepts. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association Projects on Teaching, 1722 N Street, N.W.
This collection of teaching techniques includes several classroom simulations which can be completed in one or two hour class sessions. All the materials are directed toward the teaching of sociology courses.

Greenblat, C. S. (1988). Designing games and simulations: An illustrated handbook. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Sociologist, Greenblat, treats comprehensively the design of gamed simulations. Covers rationale, model building, style, construction and modification. Four case studies and examples from 70 additional games lavishly illustrate the design process. Excellent source. Suitable for beginner to expert. Highly recommended.

Greenblat, C. S. & Duke, R. D. (1975). Gaming-simulation: Rationale, design and applications. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
This book set the standard. Still one of the best sources. Presents a theoretical explanation of simulation gaming and a guide to its practical application. Provides an overview of the field and examines the elements of game design. Highly recommended. (See next entry, below.)

Greenblat, C. S. & Duke, R. D. (1981). Principles and practices of gaming simulation. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
This paperback is an abridged and updated version of the authors' 1975 hardback, Gaming-Simulation: Rationale, Design and Applications.

Guetzkow, H. & Valdez, J. J. (1981). Simulated international processes: Theories and research in global modelling. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
This volume updates work done on INTERNATION SIMULATIONS (INS) during the 1970's. It is a valuable source for anyone working on the simulation of international conflict.

Hyman, R. (1977). Paper, pencils and pennies: Games for learning and having fun. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Contains many kinds of simple exercises and simulation games which can be played with just paper, pencil, and pennies.

Inbar, M. &  Stoll, C. S. eds. (1972). Simulation and gaming in social science. New York: The Free Press.
Contains case studies on 15 simulations. Provides realistic descriptions of the ways in which many games have been developed. Emphasis on design rather than use of simulation games.

Jones, K. (1997). Icebreakers: A sourcebook of games, exercises, and simulations, 2nd ed. Houston: Gulf.
This sourcebook gives complete information to conduct 66 short events. Makes firm distinctions among games, exercises, and simulations so participants have guidelines concerning their roles in these events.

Jones, K. (1987). Simulations: A handbook for teachers and trainers. London: Kogan Page Ltd. and by Nichols Publishing.
This clearly-written book contains sections on what is a simulation, design, selection of simulations, use of simulations, evaluation of simulations.

Pfeiffer, J. W. & Jones, J. E. eds. (1973-1979). Handbook of structured experiences for human relations Training, 7 Volumes. La Jolla, CA: University Associates.
Over 100 excellent educational exercises, some of which are suitable for sociology. Includes details on use of each exercise.

Raser, J. R. (1969). Simulation and society: An exploration of scientific gaming. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
First general introduction to the field of simulation and games. The work deals well with theoretical aspects, but it contains little information on educational applications.

Stadsklev, R. (1979). Handbook of simulation gaming in social education. Tuskaloosa, AL: University of Alabama, Institute of Higher Education Research and Services.
An excellent, non-threatening introduction to the use of gamed simulations in the social studies classroom.

Suits, B. (1978). The grasshopper: Games, life and utopia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Written by a philosopher, this book aims to clarify the meaning of games and their cultural context. Its central character is the grasshopper from Aesop's fable ("The Grasshopper and the Ant") who uses the Socratic method to argue Suits' main points. A sequel appears as, "Games and Utopia: Posthumous Reflections." Simulation & Games 15 (1984):5-24.

Thiagarajan, S. (1996). Simulation games by Thiagi, 5th ed. Bloomington, IN: Workshops by Thiagi.
Twenty-five short exercises with relevance for sociology from the master trainer. For each exercise, the book contains rules, instructions for facilitators, materials that can be photocopied, and thirty debriefing questions. Of particular interest are BARNGA-2, a game about culture and ethnocentrism, six diversity simulations that celebrate differences. Also, seven cash games are presented. In a cash game, the facilitator pays cash to winners. This mechanism appeals to facilitators who believe that an exercise should have real world consequences. Highly recommended.

Thiagarajan, S. (1996). Framegames by Thiagi, 6th ed.  Bloomington, IN: Workshops by Thiagi.
Contains over a dozen frame games. Each frame provides a game structure onto which content is loaded, so these exercises can be adapted to many different kinds of course material in sociology. Included are a generic board game, exercises in team development, teaching factual information, and others. Chapter 13, Game Conductor's Toolkit gives advice on secrets of effective game facilitators, changing a game "on the fly," and handling disruptive participants. Highly recommended for facilitators who want to tinker with content.

Ware, M. E. & Johnson, D. E. eds. (1996). Handbook of demonstrations and activities in the teaching of psychology (3 Volumes). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Volume 3 contains nine sections about using simulations in teaching psychology. Three of these pertain to sociology courses on deviance, mental illness, and mental hospitals.