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Manuscript ID

NB - Please follow all indications regarding ms ID.
If instructions are not followed, this significantly increases processing time.
Thank you for your attention to these formal aspects.

Each ms must have an ID.  Before sending a ms, request a ms ID from the Editor or Business Section Editor.  Which Editor depends on the focus of your article.  To obtain a ms ID, send to the relevant Editor:

  • At the start of the the subject line of your email: "ms ID request S&G" (with no quote marks).

    • Note that your ms ID must be at the start of the subject line, with nothing before.

  • In the body of the email (not in an attachment):

    • Inside the body of an email message, not as an attachment (yes, that is a repeated request).

    • Pls do the above exactly, otherwise your request could go unnoticed for some time.

The Editor will then attribute a ms ID to your article.  Pls follow these indications exactly.

The ms ID must be used on all documents and in all correspondence (except a request for an ID).  If no ms ID is quoted, the correspondence will be ignored.  Place the ms ID in the following places:

  • At the start of the email subject line.  Pls do not insert words before the ms ID.  The ms number, eg, 204_v2_keyword, must come at the start of the subject line.  This is crucial.
  • At the top of the body your emails.
  • At the top of all versions of your ms (in .doc - not .docx).

Format of ID

The format of the ID depends on whether your article comes under the business banner or notThe exact format of the ID must be used every time.  Use the ID in the subject line in e-mail messages and as filenames for files.  Never send compressed (e.g., zip) files; always use .doc (not .docx).

 Ordinary (non-business) IDs  are as follows.  (For business IDs, see below.)

Example of ms ID Short explanation.
Ms 591Filename containing version one of ms, entitled "Debriefing as the most important phase in the simulation/gaming cycle".  Note use of both _ and -.
591_v1_Debriefing-as-most = letter, check list Subject of e-mail containing letter and check list accompanying version one of the ms.
591_v2_Debriefing-as-most = check list, revisions  Subject of e-mail containing check list and Author revision sheet accompanying version two of the ms.
591_f_Smith_Debriefing-as-most Final version of ms.  This now includes the main author.
591_f_Smith_Debriefing-as-most.doc Filename of Word file containing final version of ms.

Notes.  The base of the ID is as follows: number_version_ Start-of-title = suffix.
Respect the underscores and the hyphens.  The elements are as follows:

number This is the ms number that you must obtain from the editor, before submitting your article.
version This is a number that indicates which version of the article that you are sending.  The first time that you send your ms, this will be "v1".  The final version that you send for publication is designated as "f_authorname".
start-of-title Use the first few words of your title.  Generally, the first three or four words will be sufficient.   Insert hyphens between the words.
suffix This varies according to circumstance.  It will include such things as "letter", "checklist", and "revisions".  Use = as a separator.

Be sure to update the v number when you send in a new version.

Do not add any or numbers or letters or words to the start of the subject line in the email.  Do not add anything to the filename other than what is indicated above.

Make sure that the start of the ID (e.g., 593_v3_...) is at the start of the subject line and the start of any filename, i.e., no extra characters before the ID.  If you put in a subject line (or filename) like "My article 93_v3_..." or "Fig1_3_v3_...", then your email is likely to go to the wrong place, and maybe go unnoticed.

For filenames for hi-res graphics (sent only with the final ms), see the visuals page.

Always send word files in .doc format (not .docx), from v1 to final.  Always send graphics files with filenames similar to the ms file.  Never compress or zip files.


 Business IDs  are as follows.

Business articles follow a different scheme.  Obtain, from the Business Section Editor, a business ID for an article that has a business focus.  Otherwise, follow instructions for ms IDs, e.g., use ms ID in subject line of all emails.

Example of business ms ID Short explanation.
b-00-001.1 b = business article
b-00-001.1 00 = year submitted (2000)
b-00-001.1 001 = article number
b-00-001.1  .1 = version number