Language Lab, Science Faculty, University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis

Design of $100 Laptop for Kids Unveiled - Part II

Find the single mistake present in each of the lines below (extra or incorrect word).


  1. To keeping the $100 laptops from being widely stolen or sold off in poor countries, he expects to make
  2. their so pervasive in schools and so distinctive in design that it would be "socially a stigma to be carrying
  3. one if you are not a student or a teacher." He compared it to stealing a mail truck or taking a something from
  4. a church: Everyone would know where it cames from.
  5. Unlike the classic computing model in which each new generation of devices get more gadgetry at the same price,
  6. Negroponte he said his group expects to do the reverse. With such tweaks as "electronic ink" displays that
  7. will require virtually no power, the MIT team expects to constant lower the cost.
  8. After all, in many of the world, Negroponte said, even $100 "is still too expensive."


Type in the extra or incorrect word in each line:

Line 1


Line 2


Line 3


Line 4


Line 5


Line 6


Line 7


Line 8


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