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Check list - draft

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Check List for v1 of your draft

This version of the Check List is for v1 of your draft ms. You do not need to send this check list in subsequent drafts for review.

Use the Final ms Check List for the final version of your ms.

  • Check off (in the left-hand column below) each applicable item to indicate that you have included, attached or otherwise attended to the item.
  • If an item is not included or completed, indicate why.
  • If items in this Check List are checked, but not in fact dealt with in the manuscript, you will be asked to redo the manuscript and to send a revised version, with another copy of this check list.
  • Pls do not mark as done things that have not been done; that simply lengthens the whole process unnecessarily and wastes valuable time for both author and editor.
  • Note that the list below is not exhaustive; you will find other items in other parts of the Guide for S&G Authors.

To send your Check List by e-mail, highlight the Check List (below), copy <ctrl c> the Check List from your browser and then paste <ctrl v> it into your e-mail message.   Send the Check List inside the email, at the end of your letter, to which your ms Word file is attached.


Check List for draft ms

Ms ID: __
Main author __

Check with "XX" below to to indicate that item is included or completed in ms

___ all items marked as done in this check list have actually be done in the ms; pls note that if items are not done, then you will be asked to fix the items before your ms is sent out for review

Inside your email (in the order below)

___ ms ID at start of subject line and at top of email body

___ author suggested reviewers inside email

___ note indicating that the article is submitted exclusively to S&G and that it will not be withdrawn without prior permission from the editor

___ cover sheet, which includes:

        ___ ms ID

        ___ provisional title of article & author(s)

        ___ contact details [complete work & home addresses, telephone & fax numbers; e-mail addresses] for each author

___ this Check List, fully completed (at end of email)

Attached ms word file

___ only use .doc or Word 2003 format, not .docx, format.  Always send graphics files with filenames similar to the ms file.  Never compress or zip files.

___ reviews, author responses & revision sheet (inside, at the start the word file of your ms) (v2 & v3)

___ Word file attachment conforms to e-mail specifications exactly

___ anonymous, single ms Word file, with (low res) figures inside; no attached graphics

___ ms ID in correct form, inserted at the top of the text

___ word count indication

___ title and sub-title are accurate, appropriate, short

___ revisions sheet (v2 onwards):  Reviews and author responses (inside, at the start the word file of your ms), before the start of the cover sheet and article) - must be clearly presented - see review_process.htm.

___ no mention of authors' identity (delete from Word properties)

___ abstract is structured and cristal clear, with short sentences; See example ms & structured abstract; for longer text, use intro paragraphs at the start of the main body, with no heading - see below

___ keywords (plenty, semi-colon separator, alpha order)

___ introductory paragraphs according to Guide (summary of main ideas & findings, with no heading)

___ ms has been reviewed for clarity by at least one other person (with publishing experience)

___ article has been reshaped according to readership recommendations here:

___ text has been checked and corrected by a native English writer

___ adequate grounding in and reference to the literature (both specialty area and simulation/gaming; both journals and books)

___ most references to relevant work in S&G have been cited or referenced in the article

___ adequate discussion on debriefing (if none, adequate explanation of why none) - do not ignore this item

___ ms length is appropriate to topic and content; no longer than necessary; authors are frequently asked to shorten their ms

___ clear organization of contents

___ appropriate and sufficient use of headings (length, number, level, etc.) for organization of contents

___ changes have been made as result of colleague reviews and native writer corrections

___ writing style checked for simplicity, coherence, structure, clarity, readability

___ summary tables whenever possible

___ short paragraphs

___ no (unnecessarily) complicated sentences

___ active sentences where at all possible (avoid passives)

___ no split infinitives

___ article - refer to your piece as article, not paper, which usually means a conference paper

___ different from (not than); although (in most cases, instead of though)

___ correct use of relative clause connector - which (non-defining relative clause) and that or who (defining relative clause)

___ subordinate that included in subordinate clauses (we think that it is …)

___ there is/are avoided if at all possible (there in quotes is ok)

___ use However, In addition instead of And or But (at start of sentences)

___ ms written as if the reader was more important than the writer!

___ all other style elements checked (e.g., abbreviations)

___ text is left-justified only

___ notes (if any) at the end

___ names of simulation/games and software programs in UPPER CASE

___ APA reference style is followed

___ references for simulation/game and software packages are according to the references section, including complete name and address of publisher or designer/author

___ references at end match citations in text and all citations in text are referenced at end

___ all items marked as done in this check list have actually be done in the ms; pls note that if items are not done, then you will be asked to fix the items before your ms is sent out for review


end of check list