Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research
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CFPs Symposium issues

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 Calls for papers
for symposium issues of S&G and for conferences

Last update = 08 March, 2015

A.  Symposium issues currently open for submitting papers.
B.  What to send to Guest Editors.
C.. Proposing to guest edit a symposium issue.

A.  Symposium issues currently open for submitting papers.

Below is a list of special, theme issues of S&G that are currently being prepared.  If you wish to contribute to one of these, be in touch directly with the Guest Editor of the issue concerned.



Theory to practice = Short call

Theory to practice = Longer pdf call

Symposium issues include:       

Mobile games
Gaming networks

For a list of past symposium issues, click here.

B.  What to send to Guest Editors.

When contacting a Guest Editor, make sure that you send a one- to two-page outline proposal containing the following elements:

  • A working title.
  • Your name, address, phone, fax, e-mail, etc.
  • A set of objectives for the proposed article.
  • A working plan.
  • (Possibly one or two offprints of previous papers that might help.)
  • An assurance that you subscribe to, or at least that you are familiar with, S&G.   It is impossible to write an article without knowing the journal.

C.  Proposing to guest edit a symposium issue.

You are encouraged to guest edit a symposium issue of S&G.  In principle, most topics can form the basis of a symposium issue.  Almost all the topics of papers published in S&G could be expanded into a special issue.

To start the ball rolling, please send an outline proposal containing the following elements to the editor:

  • A working title.
  • A one- to two-page proposal, with the following:  delimitation of the theme, outlining rational & objectives, target audience(s), list of possible authors, list of sub-topics, possible members of your ad hoc editorial board.
  • A short résumé or CV (one page maximum).
  • Notes on any previous editorial experience.  Previous editorial experience is not required.  On the contrary, one can learn a great deal about editing from guest editing a special issue of a journal.  S&G is happy to provide this opportunity to those who are motivated and willing to work hard.
  • Possibly one or two offprints of previous papers that might help.
  • An assurance that you subscribe to, or at least that you are familiar with, S&G.   It is impossible to guest edit without knowing the journal.
  • Contact details: Name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address(es).  It is essential to have reliable e-mail facilities in order to guest edit a special issue.

Before submitting an outline, you should look at some recent copies of Simulation & Gaming. They can be consulted in a good library or purchased from Sage Publications.

  • Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA; telephone: +1 805-499-0721; fax: +1 805-499-0871;
  • Sage Publications, 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU, UK; telephone: +44 (0)171 374 0645; fax: +44 (0)171 374 8741;


Use and Impact of Simulations in Management Education

This call welcomes papers examining the effectiveness of simulations and how their espoused benefits may be extended to all types of learner and leveraged to maximize impact. Submissions should demonstrate a clear contribution to current understanding of the role of simulations in business and management education. Papers adopting qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches are welcome. Studies may examine the use of simulations in any management subject, or the use of management simulations in non-management subject settings. Research studies set within a regional, national or international context are welcome.

Contact Jonathan Lean on jonathan.lean  at